Cookies policy


This website uses cookies. The information presented below aims to provide users with more details about the placement, use, and management of cookies used by our website. Additionally, some useful links related to this topic are provided.


1.1. According to the requirements of Directive (EU) 2002/58/EC ("E-Privacy Directive") and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("GDPR Regulation") applicable from May 25, 2018, we are obliged to manage the security conditions and process the personal data that the recipient/user provides through the use of the Company's website, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR Regulation and the E-Privacy Directive.

1.2. Specifically, the GDPR Regulation obliges the Company, firstly, to offer users the possibility to give or withdraw their consent for the processing of their personal data, to rectify the content of their personal data, or to request the transfer of personal data to another operator. Secondly, the Company must inform users about the content of the cookies used by the Company's website, the categories of personal data processed by these cookies, how the Company uses the information obtained from cookies, and where this information is stored. The Company provides a high level of security for the information collected by cookies and allows users to block the use of any or all cookies from the Company's website and delete the information collected by cookies.

1.3. For more details regarding the content of these legal norms, please access the following links:


2.1. General Provisions

2.1.1. An "Internet Cookie" (commonly known as "browser cookie," "HTTP cookie," or simply "cookie") is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that will be stored on the user's computer, mobile terminal, or other devices used to access this website (for more details, see

2.1.2. The cookie is installed through a request issued by a web server to a browser (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) and is entirely "passive" (it does not contain software programs, viruses, or spyware, and cannot access information from the user's hard drive).

2.1.3. A cookie consists of two parts: the cookie's name and its content or value. Furthermore, the duration of a cookie's existence is determined, and only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the associated website.

2.1.4. Cookies themselves do not request personal information to be used and, in most cases, do not identify individual internet users.

2.1.5. There are two categories of cookies: a) Session cookies - these are temporarily stored in the web browser's cookie folder to be memorized until the user leaves the respective website or closes the browser window. b) Persistent cookies - these are stored on a computer's hard drive or device for a duration configured by the website that placed them. These types of cookies can be deleted by the user at any time through browser settings.


2.2.1. The Company uses cookies to perform certain functions, including:

  • Facilitating navigation on the Company's website and using its features to provide users with a seamless experience.
  • Creating the Company's website.
  • Providing more personalized features when users browse the Company's website.
  • Delivering targeted advertising.
  • Collecting information about website usage to improve the Company's website and enhance users' experience.

2.2.2. The types of cookies used by our Company are as follows:

  1. Strictly necessary cookies: These cookies are necessary to allow users to navigate the Company's website and use its features, including accessing secure areas without having to log in repeatedly and remembering users' actions on each page during a session.
  2. Performance cookies: We use performance cookies, primarily Google Analytics, to collect information about how users use the Company's website. The Company collects information such as the clicked web page's part, the number of visited pages, the duration of each session, error messages (if any), to improve the Company's website and provide users with a better experience.
  3. Functionality cookies: Functionality cookies allow the Company to remember choices users make on the Company's website, such as usernames, language, and preferences. With this information, the Company can provide more personalized features for users while browsing the website.

2.3. Disabling or refusing to receive cookies may make certain websites impractical or difficult to visit and use. Refusing to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/see online advertising.

2.4. It is possible to set your browser to no longer accept these cookies or to accept cookies from a specific website.

2.5. All modern browsers provide the ability to change cookie settings. These settings are typically found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser.


2.6.1. The information obtained from cookies is stored securely by the web server, i.e., the server hosting the Company's website.

2.6.2. The Company's web server complies with high-security requirements regarding the information collected through cookies and is strictly bound to comply with the obligations imposed by applicable law.

2.6.3. Information collected about Recipients/Users by accessing the Company's website will not be shared with third parties.


2.7.1. To protect the confidentiality of data and personal information that the Recipient/User transmits through the use of the Company's website, the Company maintains physical, technical, and administrative guarantees.

2.7.2. The Company continuously updates and tests security technology. The Company does not restrict access to the personal data of Recipients/Users to those employees who need to know that information to provide benefits or services to Recipients/Users. Furthermore, the Company instructs its employees on the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the confidentiality and security of information.

2.7.3. In the event of a personal data breach, the Company will make every effort to eliminate it and evaluate the level of risk related to the breach in accordance with its personal data breach policy. If the breach may result in physical, material, or non-material harm to you (e.g., discrimination, identity theft, fraud, or financial loss), we will contact you without undue delay unless the law provides otherwise. All our actions will be taken in full cooperation with the competent supervisory authority.


2.8.1. Cookies are not viruses! They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code, so they cannot be executed or auto-run. Consequently, they cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again.

2.8.2. Generally, web browsers have integrated privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, validity period, and automatic deletion after a user visits a particular website.

2.8.3. As identity protection is highly valuable and internet users are the owners of their data, it is essential to be aware of potential issues that cookies may create. If an attacker or unauthorized person intervenes in data transmission, the information contained in cookies may be intercepted. Although very rare, this can happen if the browser connects to an unsecured server or network (e.g., an unsecured WiFi network).

2.8.4. Other cookie-based attacks involve incorrect cookie settings on servers. If a website does not request the browser to use only encrypted connections, attackers can exploit this vulnerability to deceive browsers into sending information through insecure channels. Attackers may use this information for unauthorized access to specific websites. It is crucial to pay attention to selecting the most appropriate methods for protecting personal information.


2.9.1. The Company may update this information document from time to time by publishing a new version on this website.

2.9.2. Given that laws on personal data protection, interpretations by state authorities, and recommendations from supervisory authorities change and improve from time to time, it is expected that this privacy notice and terms of use will also change accordingly. The Company reserves the right to modify this information document at any time and without notice. Any changes to the Company's privacy policy will be posted on this page, so that users are aware of the Company's policies. The provisions contained in this document replace all previous announcements or statements regarding the Company's privacy practices and the terms and conditions governing the use of the Company's website.

For third-party-generated cookie settings, you can also consult the following website:

Useful Links: